Group of 100 Devotees of Koyasan and Kumano


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Former Governor of Wakayama Prefecture

Yoshinobu Nisaka


Yoshinobu Nisaka was born in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture in 1950. In 1974, after graduating with a bachelor’s in economics from the University of Tokyo, he joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). In 1998, Nisaka was made the Director of the General Affairs Division in the MITI Consumer Goods and Service Industries Bureau; in 2001, he became Deputy Director-General in the Trade Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI); in 2002, he became Director-General of Manufacturing Industries Bureau at METI; and in 2003, he was made the Ambassador of Japan to the Nation of Brunei. He served four terms as governor of Wakayama Prefecture from 2006 to 2022.

An inheritance of great value and a commitment to communicating its appeal far and wide

Since ancient times, people have believed that the gods reside amidst the abundant nature of the Kii Mountains, and that gave rise to the creation of the sacred sites of Koyasan and the three grand shrines of Kumano - the Kumano Sanzan - as well as the pilgrimage routes leading to them. The distinctive, culturally significant landscapes of these areas are unlike anything else on earth, which is why they have been registered as World Heritage.
Since the start of the new "Reiwa" era in Japan, which also marked the fifteenth anniversary of the registration of these areas as World Heritage, the eyes of the world have been upon us.
Both residents and visitors get to experience what a truly amazing example of world heritage we have in Wakayama, and not only the local residents but also companies, organizations and visitors are working together to protect and preserve the environment of our World Heritage.
With the help of everyone in the Group of 100 Devotees of Koyasan and Kumano, and in the spirit of harmony, we will spread the word far and wide about the wonderful charm and appeal that this irreplaceable, world-class cultural asset which Wakayama Prefecture offers the world, and we will ensure that we pass it on to the next generation in even better condition than we received it.

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