Group of 100 Devotees of Koyasan and Kumano


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Photographer and Jazz Cafe Owner

Hozumi Nakadaira


Hozumi Nakadaira was born in Hongu Village (now merged with Tanabe City) in Wakayama Prefecture, attended Shingu High School, and graduated from the Department of Photography in Nihon University’s College of Art. In 1961, he photographed the Art Blakey Band when they visited Japan, and he also photographed Horace Silver in 1962. An exhibition of his jazz photographs was held at the Isetan Department Store in Tokyo, and in November 1961, Nakadaira opened the “Dig” jazz cafe in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward. He later opened the “DUG” jazz cafe, and to this day he still travels throughout Japan and overseas to photograph jazz musicians.

An unforgettable countryside of mountains and rivers

I moved to Tokyo sixty-five years ago and have lived most of my life here, but the mountains and rivers where I fished as a boy will always be a part of me, drawing me back once or twice a year to the countryside where I grew up.

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