Group of 100 Devotees of Koyasan and Kumano


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Professor at the Communication University of China

Jiyan Wang


Jiyan Wang is a professor and doctoral program advisor at the Communication University of China. He is also a photographer who travels the Silk Road. In the 1970s, Wang was a director and cameraman in the Silk Road documentary series produced by NHK. He was one of the founders of Phoenix Television in March 1996 and for 18 years served as its executive director and director general. Since retiring, Wang has been busy in the world of television as a producer and director for a popular Chinese television station and as a judge for various international television festivals. He is also the Vice Chair of the China Association for Promoting Democracy and the Chairman of the China Volkssport Association (part of the International Federation of Popular Sports).

In May 2016, at the invitation of Mr. Shonosuke Okura, who has received general certification as the holder of important intangible Japanese cultural property, I went on a motorbike trip from Tokyo to Kumano with the members of the Yatagarasu (the sacred three-legged raven) motorbike club. During the course of this one-week trip, I visited the Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Nachi Taisha and Kumano Hayatama Taisha grand shrines. Along the way I encountered a diverse array of traditional Japanese culture. The splendid scenery of Wakayama, the precious historical sites, the outstanding traditional arts and crafts...I was impressed and moved by what is truly a world heritage sacred area. I am thrilled and humbled to have been chosen to be a part of the Group of 100 Devotees of Koyasan and Kumano and I look forward to finding ways to contribute to Wakayama Prefecture tourism promotion.

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